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Webinars & Podcasts

Recorded Webinar: Ensure Secure Video Transport in Your Critical Environment with Maevex 6100 Series

Video plays an essential role in facilitating communication, training, and decision-making in critical environments. In this webinar, our in-house expert will demonstrate how the right encoding and decoding technology can enable you to securely stream and record valuable video data without compromising on quality, reliability, or performance.

Find out how you can leverage video for your unique application: 

Simulation & training: Reconstruct real-life scenarios and safeguard information to access for review later and prepare your personnel for whatever comes their way

Medical & healthcare: Ensure private, touch-free collaboration in crucial moments, and upload medical event recordings using your existing content management software

Military & defense: Monitor and analyze intelligence in real time, and exchange data securely in the most demanding environments with TAA-compliant technology