Broadcast Developer Products
SDI I/O Cards
X.mio3 FH

X.mio3 FH provides multi-channel SDI I/O with hardware based video processing in a half-length PCI express card. This card provides up to 12 reconfigurable IOs, from SD to 4K, along with support for AES/EBU, LTC and GPIO to provide for versatile connectivity. The multi-channel hardware processing accelerates compute-intensive operations including motion-adaptive de-interlacing, up/down/cross scaling and mixing/compositing for all resolutions, including 4K.
Matrox X.mio3 FH is ideal for OEMs who need to create advanced channel-in-a-box systems, video servers, broadcast graphics systems, encoders, transcoders, multiviewers, switchers and other digital media equipment.
Key Features
- Half-length PCI express card
- Re-configurable IO that can support up to 12 SDI IO
- Frame synchronizers
- VANC and HANC support for each input and output
- Analog blackburst reference input (tri-level or bi-level)
- On-board multi-channel MADI (Motion Adaptive De-Interlacer)
- On-board multi-channel Up/Down/Cross scaler
- On-board multilayer compositor
- Automatic video relay bypass
- Live zero-frame delay video and audio mixers
- Up to 16 channels of AES/EBU inputs and outputs
- Up to 8 LTC inputs and outputs
- RS422 control
- Single slot all inclusive option
- One comprehensive SDK for all our developer cards
- 2-year warranty

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