Making the Cut: Matrox Helps the Australian Screen Editors Guild Webcast Inaugural Edit Royale Event
Monarch HDX Dual-Channel Encoder Enables Professional-Grade, Portable TV Studio to Live Stream Prestigious Video Editing Competition
Money Today Networks webcasts the latest business and market news to provide their viewers with the most up-to-date information with Monarch HDX.
Monarch LCS webcasting appliance assists the local SMPTE Section provide localized programs live with an enhanced online experience for members.
Leading European research facility accelerates scientific collaboration with Matrox H.264 encoders.
Leading European rail network live streams and records simulation over standard 1 Gigabit network for enhanced training.
Greek basketball team selects Matrox Monarch HD encoder to webcast and record high-quality action and player interviews.
Seaside City uses Monarch HDX H.264 encoder to deliver great-quality live webcasts to its highly engaged, involved citizens.
Monarch H.264 encoders enable remote students to participate in on-campus activities.
Monarch HD encoder simultaneously streams and records multi-camera sports interviews.
Video streaming and recording appliance simultaneously streams live events in H.264 and records master-quality archives, all controlled remotely.