MediaFusion and Matrox Monarch
MediaFusion is a media management platform for live, simulated live and on-demand video on a global scale. It is so easy to use that even volunteer AV technicians find it extremely simple to set up live streaming events as well as schedule broadcasts for online or multi-site campuses. MediaFusion makes organizing, uploading and distributing content to multiple destinations (including iTunes, YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and website) a breeze.
Its feature-rich interactive player enables viewers to chat and take notes when viewing videos. Viewership insights from analytics reporting is also available. MediaFusion paired with the Matrox Monarch streaming and recording encoders makes live streaming simple and affordable; particularly appreciated by ministries large and small.

MediaFusion paired with Matrox Monarch encoders makes live streaming simple and affordable for online or multi-site campuses
Capture, encoding and distribution of video content made real easy with Matrox Monarch streaming and recording encoders and MediaFusion media management platform.