Wowza Media Systems and Matrox Monarch
Wowza Streaming Engine™ is a robust, customizable, broadcast-quality live streaming server software. It provides live transcoding for adaptive bitrate delivery across any network to users consuming video on any device. It takes care of repackaging the video and audio into all the common HTTP streaming protocols like Apple HLS as well as conventional streaming protocols like RTSP or RTMP.
The affordable Matrox Monarch encoders (Monarch HD, Monarch HDX, Monarch LCS, and Monarch EDGE ) in combination with the easy-to-use Wozwa Streaming Engine distribution software simplify the distribution of HD-quality content by providing a seamless solution between production and the streaming experience. The complete experience of setting up and delivering is made painless and affordable.
Matrox is a partner in the “Works with Wozwa” program.

Wowza streaming engine and Matrox Monarch HD encoders seamlessly integrate video encoding and delivery
Discover how streaming is simplified with the preconfigured video streaming settings of the affordable Matrox Monarch HD encoder appliance and the high-quality Wowza Streaming Engine distribution software.