Corporate Responsibility
We believe that change starts with us. That’s why we’re proud to partner with organizations and support initiatives that directly aim to improve the quality of life in our company and in our community.
Fostering a more sustainable planet
At Matrox, we recognize our responsibility to the planet and to future generations. That’s why our sustainability initiatives focus on reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable resource use across operations.

Environmental stewardship
An Environmental Committee was set up to promote environmental awareness across the company and to help achieve our sustainability goals.
The Environmental Committee conducted an audit to assess the company’s carbon footprint. Our carbon footprint analysis demonstrated that we can continue to work toward building a greener future by:
- Increasing operating efficiencies throughout the organization
- Lowering electrical usage
- Improving our recycling habits
- Optimizing IT operations
- Decreasing paper usage
- Reducing landfill waste
- Using EV charging stations

Waste reduction initiatives: Product & process waste and substance control
We continuously work on improving the way we manage product waste. To minimize environmental impact, we conform to legislation concerning waste from electrical and electronic equipment, packaging, and batteries.
Our policies ensure that none of our products or manufacturing processes contain any regulated materials or substances beyond tolerable amounts. These policies include compliance to international and local regulations with regards to controlled substances including, but not limited to, ozone-depleting substances which are regulated under the Montreal Protocol, radioactive materials, designated substances, and other elements that are harmful to the environment.
We will continue to adjust our processes as environmental policies and compliance requirements evolve.
For more information on the recycling and waste management of Matrox Video products, visit Product Waste Management or contact us at [email protected].
For more information on substance control at Matrox Video, visit Controlled Substances or contact us at [email protected].
Energy efficiency initiatives: Operational and maintenance initiatives
Reducing non-hazardous waste destined for landfills is an important step towards sustainability. To limit the amount of waste we produce, we reuse and recycle wherever possible. Our largest sources of non-hazardous waste include packaging materials such as bubble wrap, polyurethane foam, polyethylene foam, and corrugated cardboard. When disposal is required, we ensure that all waste is disposed of responsibly.
Harnessing the power of philanthropy to empower communities
At Matrox, our people have a dedicated spirit of charitable giving. We embrace the power of philanthropy to create positive impact in our community and in the world.
Giving at Matrox
Matrox supports charitable organizations that work towards advancing scientific inquiry, promoting education, fostering better health, protecting the environment, mitigating climate change, and improving our community.

Climate & Environment



Science & Technology
Matrox and its employees are proud to donate to organizations that make a difference in our community, including:
- Centraide of Greater Montreal
- MTL Climate Summit
- McGill University Health Centre Foundation
- Fondation CHU Sainte-Justine
- Foundation of Greater Montreal
- Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University
- Diabetes Canada
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
- Red Cross
- Sun Youth
- Opération Père Noël
The Trottier Family Foundation
Since its establishment in 2000 by Lorne Trottier and his wife Louise Rousselle Trottier, the Trottier Family Foundation has made gifts totaling approximately $180M CAD. The Foundation has focused on support for the following areas: promote science education and technology literacy, climate change and sustainable development, research in astronomy and astrophysics, health care, and community. The Foundation has made major gifts to McGill University, l’École Polytechnique, Simon Fraser University, the Lakeshore General Hospital, the new Montreal MUHC and CHUM super hospitals, and provides support to hundreds of other charities.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Building a company that reflects the world we live in

At Matrox, we’re committed to building an inclusive workplace where every individual is heard, valued, and included.
Our commitment:
- We stand firmly against racism, hatred, and inequality in all forms.
- We will not tolerate acts of discrimination, harassment, or violence.
- We are open to people with diverse ideas, perspectives, and backgrounds.
We strive to create a safe workplace where everyone is treated with respect and equality.
Our initiatives include:
- Employee survey to better understand our employees’ realities and experiences within our work environment. This will guide our future diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
- Implementing and enforcing workplace harassment and violence policies to ensure a respectful work environment for all employees.
- Inclusive Recruitment Strategies that promote inclusive hiring practices to build dynamic teams.
- Neurodiversity Hiring Program to attract and onboard neurodivergent candidates.
- Introduction of gender-neutral restrooms to provide a safe environment for individuals of all gender identities.
- Multifaith room for religious observance.
- Flexible hours to promote work-life balance and support parents and caregivers, and to enable neurodivergent employees to thrive at work.
- Generous PTO to enable employees of different faiths to observe holidays.
- Documentation and training on various DEI topics and raising awareness of mental health by supporting Mental Health week and through tips, recommendations, and resources.
Training the Executive team, managers, and team leaders on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion.

We onboard a diverse workforce for an inclusive culture.

We ensure equal compensation for work of similar value.

We encourage everyone to bring their uniqueness to work each day.
Respecting human rights is a fundamental corporate responsibility and a core value at Matrox. We prioritize human rights in all our business activities.
Responsible procurement
We prioritize sourcing from ethical suppliers, reducing environmental impact, and ensuring responsible practices throughout our supply chain to promote a sustainable future.
Product waste management
Matrox values proper waste management and complies with various legislations for our products.
Controlled substances
We are dedicated to global sustainable development and ensure to comply with regulations on controlled substances.