Avis relatifs aux logiciels tiers & termes et conditions supplémentaires

This page and/or pages linked from this page contain Third Party Software Notices and/or Additional Terms and Conditions applicable for each Matrox product that may be updated from time to time. It is the Licensee's responsibility to verify that the agreements listed are current and applicable.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and was determined according to Matrox's understanding and to the best of its knowledge.



Matrox DSX Core

*This version of Apple Bonjour has been modified to work in Windows.

Matrox DSX SDK

Matrox Extio 3 Series

Matrox File Consolidator

Matrox Maevex 5100 Series

Matrox Maevex 6020 Remote Recorder

Matrox Maevex 6100 Series

Matrox Maevex 7100 Series

Matrox Monarch EDGE

Matrox Mura IPX Series

Matrox QuadHead2Go Series