Build Flexible Learning Environments
Matrox supports engaging workflows for lecture and presentation capture, live streaming, and immersive visualization. We also support the sharing of equipment, such as AI servers, electron microscopes, operating room equipment, and more.
Matrox products focus on passive and high-performance capture points and security on both the command layer and payload encryption. We help power distance learning, hybrid classroom environments, group conferencing, DIS and HLA simulation environments, medical peer review, and training systems for critical decision making and situation analysis.

Features & Benefits

Lecture and presentation capture
With high quality multi-input and multi-stream capture points that help you to simultaneously record and live stream, organizations can adhere to privacy and security policies while facilitating remote learning and integrating different IT and Audio-Visual assets into Video Management Systems (VMS) and Learning Management Systems (LMS). The quality of capture and method of curating presentations, experiments, and special guest events affect how live streaming events are appreciated and how the material is made available for later on-demand viewing. State-of-the-art content today can become monetizable assets that generate different revenue streams tomorrow.
Share control
Artificial Intelligence and specialized AV/IT equipment keep expanding. The need to secure these assets while making the visual content available for sharing means creating highly secure capture points that pass video, audio, and control capabilities to remote operators while preventing access to the main equipment and, more importantly, the secure networks the specialized equipment lives on.

Multi-node synchronization
To build better training and collaboration systems, organizations sometimes need to coordinate many different assets and ensure the synchronization of communications, visual assets, and automated sub-systems. DIS and HLA training and simulations systems are one example. But capturing all the events in medical theaters, science labs, and control rooms are other examples of how training systems keep evolving. And AI keeps improving. Capturing ecosystems of interrelated AV/IT assets today can lead to better workflow, software, and automation designs tomorrow.